Why Choose PostPanda?

"Let The Panda Post For You!"

    Increase in social media usage

    Over 3.6 billion people worldwide are using social media in 2021, with the number projected to rise above 4.41 billion by 2025, representing a massive potential customer base for Long Island businesses.

    High local internet penetration

    New York State has an internet penetration rate of 89.1% (as of 2021), indicating a significant online audience for businesses to target in Long Island through effective social media management.

    Growing importance of online presence

    97% of consumers searched for local businesses online in 2021, making it crucial for Long Island businesses to maintain an active and engaging social media presence.

    Boost in mobile usage

    96% of social media users access platforms through mobile devices, emphasizing the need for mobile-optimized content that a specialized social media management company like PostPanda.com can provide.

    Increased consumer trust

    71% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase based on social media referrals, meaning a strong social media presence can significantly influence potential customers' decisions.

    Time efficiency

    The average business owner spends around 6 hours per week managing their social media accounts! Outsourcing this task to PostPanda.com allows local business owners to focus on their core activities while we handle their online presence.

    Enhanced customer engagement

    63% of customers expect companies to offer customer service through their social media channels. PostPanda.com's expertise in social media management helps businesses stay responsive and maintain strong customer relationships.

    Improved search engine rankings

    A well-managed social media presence contributes to higher search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to find Long Island businesses online.

    Better-targeted advertising

    Social media advertising spend in the US is projected to reach $56.3 billion by 2023. PostPanda.com's expertise in targeted advertising helps businesses get the most out of their ad budget and reach the right audience.

    Competitive advantage

    50% of small businesses don't actively use social media for their business, offering a unique opportunity for Long Island businesses to gain a competitive edge by partnering with a professional social media management company like PostPanda.com.

    PostPanda Company Values

    Innovation: Commitment to leveraging cutting-edge AI technology for unique and effective social media solutions.

    Empathy: Tailoring services to understand and meet the specific needs and challenges of clients.

    Collaboration: Working closely with clients to foster a partnership-like relationship.

    Adaptability: Staying flexible and responsive in the ever-changing digital landscape.

    Transparency: Open and honest dealings, ensuring a clear understanding of strategies and results.

    Community Focus: Supporting and enhancing local communities, especially relevant for local business clients.

    Educational Growth: Committing to educating clients about the evolving digital world.

    Resourcefulness: Emphasizing creative and efficient use of resources to achieve optimal results, reflecting a practical and problem-solving approach in your business.

    Excellence: Delivering the highest quality in service, from client interactions to social media strategies.

    Faithfulness: Inspired by Biblical teachings, this value underscores loyalty and steadfastness in relationships with clients and adherence to ethical practices, reflecting a commitment to reliability and trustworthiness.

    These values, when integrated into your company's philosophy and operations, can effectively convey the unique blend of technology, human insight, and ethical business practices that PostPanda.com stands for.
